Monday, December 7, 2009

What a year it has been for the Deitsch family! We welcomed a new member to our family, Miss Charlie-Ann, in September. She is such a blessing! I can't believe that she is already 3 months old. Creed has been the best big brother, he absolutely loves Charlie-Ann. He is quickly approaching the 4 year old mark, which makes us feel really old!!! He has recently been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, which is fine with was more of an adjustment for us than it was for him. He completely understands what he can and can not have, and has adjusted well. One thing is for sure, he will be one healthy kiddo!

I couldn't resist putting this picture up~ it makes me smile every time!

As Jay and I begin our journey together, we would like to share those special moments with our friends and family. From hockey to parenting, we stay pretty busy! Hope everyone enjoys our special moments as we do!